Monday, April 03, 2006

Yes I still use a hankie.

I carry two as a matter of fact. All those that say oh that is so horrible and I should use a tissue, do not understand somethings. First off if you are environmental friendly the last thing you wish to use is a tissue. It is bleach, chemically treated wood. Wood being the only good part of that combination. A hankie is cloth that is washed and reusable but more than that. It is a gesture of caring.

It is an offer to a lady in distress of comfort. I just cannot see myself offering a tissue to women in some dire upset. A piece of linen is warm and comforting it soothes like giving a hug almost. My father always had us carry two of them one for yourself and one for others. He used them to bandage a wound or stop a child's tears. He made hats for little girls and when we were young made pirates bandanas and cowboys scarfs of them. Most of my toy soldiers had at least one parachute ride with hankie and string attached. They also made excellent eye patches, I lost a lot of eyes in battle and adventure must have been close to a hundred before I was six.

Countless construction workers staved off sunstroke because of them. So for those that scrinch up their noses or go red faced too dam bad. IF you do not like it then go stay in your glass bubble and close your eyes. If a child scrapes a knee or a women sheds more than one tear and I am near by I will first offer my hankie for comfort. And yes it will be the one I keep for you not for myself.

1 comment:

CLoud said...

Thank you butterfly I do not consider it forward just very kind