Saturday, April 15, 2006

I hate running

I hated running but I played lacrosse and there is no book that tells you how to run or build stamina like running. Just look at a marathoners face , they might be happy in what place they finish but damn it hurts after a while.

A blog by butterfly has brought this thought to the fore front for me. Through out the ages Masters have always had an apprentice. Knights had squires trades men had their helpers it was the one true way of learning the only way. Then books of learning were developed and those that taught gave knowledge but not the practical of lets say cutting a piece of wood and what it takes to make a smooth straight cut. Nor can you develop the idea of fear and courage if you do not experience it first hand as the squires did.

So now I am about to say that the purist of the lifestyle are not as knowledgeable as to the effect of some things in the lifestyle. I fully agree with butterfly and will say that anyone who wishes to be a master should experience what it is to be a sub. I feel the eyebrows raising already, but that is okay I know that there are masters and subs that will agree fully .

My arguement is if you do not know how the whip feels how can you wield it. How can you break a board with your hand if you have not punched bags and bags of sand you do not know first hand what it feels like to do that for hours. It is nice to have fantasies and have these great ideas but if you do not know the e damage of lets say isolation of a slave as punishment can cause on the mental state of the human then you should not play with it. If I tell a child that if they touch the flame it will burn they will still try. We have all played with the flame of a candle to see how close we can get before the burn sets in, which is better knowledge.

Yes I have switched many times and I do feel that I have a greater understanding of pain and why it is enjoy and service and why it is fun. I think it has greatly helped me understand the mind of a sub. That said and I can hear some subs go yes you are so right well subs it is not a one way street try being a Dom or master one day try keeping up with the needs and demands that subs put forth. Tempering sound judgment with the wild ideas of a sub of what should be possible in time and space provided. subs get the release of the days tentions by their service and play session but a Dom does not they still have the days events playing in their mind when they raise the paddle and must control the strength used.

I believe it was St Andrews day that had the knights of old change position with their squire for a day and to me that is not a bad idea to keep one's perspective.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

Cloud...... i have a question for You...

describe the pain .. the intensity.. the simple feel of a flogger.. from a whip.. from a cane.. from a tawse for me please??

Now describe how each of those toys feels to me... the pain.. the intensity .. all of it..

Now tell me how a Dominant who perhaps is NOT a masochist can truly KNOW what the pain feels like for me??

AND as for being a Dom for a day?? how can any sub honestly know the feelings / the responsibilities for a Dom ?? i have no desire to know what it feels like to HIT someone...... i did it once.. i made the person wince and i thought i was going to be sick to my stomach......

sorry but i just don't see how this theory (that many hold) of "walking in the other's shoes" (so to speak) can bring a whole lot of benefit...

It also worries me a little bit.. that a Dom who has experienced the sub side might be just a little "cocky" .. a little too confident a little too soon...

i would rather my Dom bring communication skills.. listening skills ..patience.. caring and a willingness to work at perfecting His skills on my ass and yeah on my heart.....and that we learn together.. with love and patience

morningstar (owned by Warren)