Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bunnies and carrots

Well I just want to say to have a great holiday weekend and to point out that this is another weekend that has bdsm connotations. First of all exactly where do those eggs come out of the Easter bunny any way ?Have you ever seen a bunny that has eaten those eggs? Why is it they are not chocolate carrots? And what of the Easter hare where are they ?

Last let us talk about carrots are there dominant carrots ?You know those carrots that stand out larger than reality types? Does size count in the carrot world? Is quantity important or quality.

Do carrots have specific roles do they stay in those roles while in the garden or just when it is show time on your plate? Which carrot role should you eat first? Are carrots into piercing or just into unauthorized entries?

Are carrots Doms, switches or pure subs? Do they like to be roasted or boiled? How long can you keep carrots in bondage? What is the safe amount of time you can suspend a carrot without doing damage to it's leafy parts? Should carrots be include with other vegetable in the subby Olympics ? Should you practice safe sex with carrots?

One last question how do you explain the concept of putting a man in a playboy bunny outfit without a carrot somewhere? Is he smiling maybe there is a carrot somewhere?

Well you all have a great (politically correct) holiday. OOOOps one more one more question how do bunnies change carrots into chocolate eggs anyway? Is it true that only male bunnies lay the eggs? That would account for those female bunnies giggling a lot around Easter would it not.


morningstar said...

did You HAVE to bring up carrots .. yet again??!!! is this going to become an Easter tradition?? Couldn't You have found a nice Easter tradition.. like Easter Monday spankings??
read this url..

maybe help get Your mind off carrots.. sighhhhhhh

see Ya next week...

morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

Deb glad you got a giggle from it and morningstar a great site I am thinking of re-locating but I still love my carrots don't you