Monday, April 10, 2006

Beginnings of a name

Ah the seventies......

Some have ask where did you get that name from, here be the answer. In days of olde and days gone by there was a club in the ancient land of Chicago called the Green Door. The club was private and into a form of the lifestyle based on feudal times. It was not this club that interested me in the lifestyle but it is where I took the name of CLoud Darklight.

Of the many players there were areas of the club that some liked better than others. I enjoyed an area away from the light away from the stage where the pleasures that I inflicted were for myself and my slave to enjoy and few others. There were those that had more of an exhibitionist like than I they were of the light and I was of the Darklight. The name stayed with me through out the years when ever there was anything to do in my life dealing with medieval times that was the name I went by. Cloud was give to me by my girlfriends at the time seems I was a bit gloomy at times but that should be for another blog. So there it is a name.

Not a picture of the club but one of the toys I favored. I would not say that the club was truly a bdsm club just the feudal system or our concept of it lends itself nicely to the lifestyle I say with a smile. Much easier to explain that you are into historical reproductions then to explain the joys of turning someone's ass red. One must be honest but only as truthful as it takes to answer the vanilla's questions. Any questions?

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