Sunday, March 05, 2006

What is and what is to be based on what has been

Over the weekend a young boy became a man. I am not of his religion but he wanted me to stand with him as he cross a threshold. So I did as the chants when on I thought back to times past and wondered how he would face the demands of society. Will he take a wife, what work will he do, should he continue his education. They were the questions I faced when I left high school. I think now his questions will be greater in number than mine were. Now working without an education very hard to get anywhere. A wife is another decision female or male or bi. Worse if you get into the lifestyle with switches involved too. The fears of making a wrong decision. I do not wish to change places with the young man. Now I have never re-thought any of my decisions. I did my best for the time and knowledge I had.

I read another Dom's post where he wished to turn back time , would that not be fun! It seems that the jewels of what we sought for were always there we just did not see them. A young mans eyes darts to see everything and perhaps we are blinded but all things that we do not see the special ones. Only when we are older and the vision is not as sharp do the jewels out shine the background light. So the question that I have for those that wish to turn back time is would we not just miss the jewels of fantasies a second time?

I might not have found the fantasies of my youth but I am very happy with jewels that I did find. Would I change anything well we all say if I could go back with the knowledge that I have now. I think with that knowledge when I was 18 I would have been arrested by the age of 20. The main reason I do not wish to is I would not be me anymore I would then be just a fantasy.


morningstar said...

so very true Cloud...... i think about what i was when i was in my 20's.... only a shadow of who and what i am today.... i wouldn't trade the life experiences for all the tea in China.. the history has done much to make me who i am today........

morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

well spoken pet