Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ships that pass in the night

Sometimes the natural forces of life do not allow for what should have been. The excitement of finding a soul male sometimes blinds you as to what is possible and what is plausable. When ships met on the high seas, in days of old there is joy and excitment. They had had no news or contact besides the fellow shipmates. The other ship served as a quick acknowledgement that you were still alive there was still hope for your journey to end well. Then the ship sailed on and you were left with greater knowledge but with sadness that they were going in a different direction than you.

I find relations sometimes have a similar outcome. I can not stop the ship for long nor can I get off and swim to the other. Honour and duty bind me to my ship as it does to my soul mate and her ship. We have seconds to go from sheer hapiness and bliss to sadness and despair. We do not know if the other's jouney will end in safety and sucess. The future again is in the hands of our duties and honour and circumstance. What we had will have to the base of fantasies in the hope that next time we will be on the same ship heading in the same direction sharing the same duties and honour.

Fare thee well my minion.

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