Friday, March 24, 2006

The best laid plans

Well , a word I use often to start saying something, it was suppose to be a day of cleaning up and priming walls. Work that would allow me not to have thought. To be able to stay away from life and watch a red wall covered in white primer. A new canvas of sorts. One to get rid of a red hideous looking wall like a winters first snow that allows you not to think of the garden and what you have planted. A soothing time for me.

Puck must truly be the god that looks over me. A trickster at best he has clouded my mind. I have the paint , I have the roller and drop cloth. I have sanded all is ready but for the paint tray. Puck has hidden it away or has foreseen this day. He must have whispered in my ear months ago" you do not need this throw it out". Foolishly I listened to my god and did his bidding. Thus unwittingly causing my dilemma of this day. No paint tray, while I wanted to work and sweat to loose myself in this work I will not paint the room with a brush only. There is no Domme with whip in hand standing behind me this day and no one to fetch a tray for me.

In olde English I believe the saying was : The day of sun and shine gang off to go a glaie when plans not well made are followed this day. For those that know not the olde the newer version is "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray" . Fitting, both are today, the sun disappears and the paint will stay in the can. Time to read if I can find my glasses, oh bother.

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