Sunday, May 07, 2006

"sub cause pain to Dom" Headline News

ling, has caused the need for me to meditate or for another word think deeply on things. I shall not provide details on the subject it self , instead it is the reason the following events happened.

I either need to sit quietly in a room and empty my head with silence. Not possible all the time as there is life in the neighborhood that is not under my control and of course the young adults refered to as children in my house. The other way is to do something mundane and repetitive. Well brainstorm I have been given the okay from Doctor that must be obeyed to exercise again. Lightly of course and of course I listened to what the doctor told me to do.

What is lightly to an old warrior, a brisk light row through the north ailantic well as long as there is no storms that could be light don't you think. So off to the long boat I went (my rowing machine that is) so off I went to meditate. At first the rowing was a little soft to meditate with so I increased the rep count per minute. To do that I put on some Gregorian chants with a drum beat in much like the Romans galleys of old and set in for a good row
Well it took 15 minutes and I was out in to the north ailantic with waves smashing into the bow and my fellow Vikings pulling hard, the muscles bulging with the fight against the sea.. I could not let my comrades down by quitting when the bell sounded at the 20 minute mark noooo way. SO onward I pushed knowing what place I should hold as being the last to quit.

Well I finished my rowing fantasy and felt great , nice to see my old Viking friends again and time to think that was great. Friends dropped over after wards and it was then I noticed something when I laugh my stomach hurt. When they left I prepared supper my hands cramped I went up to watch a period of hockey saw the opening puck drop then woke up too see they were in the second minute of the second period and I had missed 7 goals. Then I moved I do not know why I moved I was comfortable there but I moved . My head hurt my back, legs , arms. Toes, stomach , the only two things that did not hurt was my buttocks and my nose. My nipples also were numb they had been since I did weights in the morning oops do not tell morning star.

SO I did a lot of thinking and came to the conclusion that it is lings's fault for giving me pain. I think everyone will agree with me it is not that a 52 year old tried to act as a 29 year old again. After all I lilstened to my doctor I did a light row no storms in the alantic. I did listen for the bell but I though it was just Swen was letting the air pass between his teeth or Igamar had trouble again with his stomach he is getting old now and bear meat just does not sit well with him . Naw it had to be my subs fault couldn't be mine could it (evil smile)

For the next time I intend to do what most vailla men do when they want to think deep thoughts watch a football game in a chair with a beer. Not true but I thought it was funny and sometimes we just need to laugh rather than think


morningstar said...

(BIG stamp of my foot!!)

FIRST of all.... now i know why You no longer cringe when i unfurl my nails............ and i do believe THAT is cheating!!!

SECONDLY...... You are such a typical DOM!!! blame the sub!!! when things go wrong.. when dummy Dom appears - blame the sub!!!

spitting tacks cheekily..
morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

I thought that might get a foot or two stamping he he heeee