Thursday, May 18, 2006

Plans A rant

I have a friend that is a Dom he says he does not like to plan a session in case it does not go the way it should . I can understand that to a point he must plan something in his head he has some idea of what he will do just does not want to give out the specifics.

I like some plans I like to know I have the car so I can make plan to see people , go shopping all that sort of thing. My wife(a Vanilla) does not know the meaning of plans. Anything involving her family is not planned until the last second just in case . They seem to want to thwart anyone's plans so tthat they are the center of the uninverse and when you get a day to have sanity reign then all of a sudden they want o plan out your day.

These people have family worked into a deity. Needless to say now I am pissed off. So I gave her the car today and when she said you can drive me in after lunch with my mother and then drive our son I said no. You want the car it is yours you want your son driven to work drive him. I would love to take a family that I know and bend them over a couch. Then administer my plan. Oh well I will be off soon and this teaches me a valuable lesson advice for anyone in the lifestyle do not marry vanilla unless you want countless headaches. Wait and find one of your own much better that way I probably would not have had a heart attack. I might even smile more often.

The rant is over you can make plans for the rest of the day now I am. Oh by the way the next rant will be on family and deities

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