Friday, May 26, 2006

And now there be three

Fear is defined as: A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. A state or condition marked by this feeling.
Worry is defined as: To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled.

You use fear and worry interchangeably..Don't You think You can fear something without worrying about it?

Some thing may scare me at the point when I confront it but to me fear is something that lingers on something a person thinks about circumstance. If you think about being eaten alive by a tiger you can generate some pretty horific images. How teeth tear through the flesh and scrae along the bone the feeling of the squirting of blood as a major artery is severed the smeel of the contents of your stomach as your intestines are ripped from your body. Now if you are suddenly jumped by a tiger do you think you will have time to think how horrible this will be or will you just do your best to surve the attack. So no if you fear you will worry.

You stated, "If it does come the worrying about what it can do to you might well be the reason you do not conquer your fear and move on." I suppose there are cases where this statement might be true, but don't You think fear can also push us to conquer something? Do You think most people succumb to their fears?

Fear makes us lash out it makes us react sometimes too quickly so no I do not beleive that fear is a help in conquering. I beleive that because of fear most people do not take the right actions to confront what gives them fear. So people make the wrong decisions sometimes they get away with it. Most of the time they are fodder for the tiger.

You stated, "If I were to fear something globally it would be politicians who with no true training in dealing on a world theather make decision based on their feelings rather than what is best. Examples of failed politicians would be any who caused a war to start through agression." How do You feel about the war in Iraq?

I beleive that many a man, woman and child will not be able to contribute to the world because of two unhonourable men wanting to win a pissing contest. Lives should not be wasted in such a fashion. As for the reasons for this war they were not justified it is not that Husien attacked. It has killed the budget for the USA for years to come and left a whole where some control was before and made mothers cry. It might not have been perfect but it was better than what is now. Worse of all it has produced a deep seeded hatred that will not disapate for decades. In the lifestyle the big stick works in the world too many say that they have a big stick to make stong arm politics workable. SO how do I feel about the war very sad indeed not much of a butterfly is it.

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