Saturday, June 24, 2006

What does the word mean

ling has asked many questions non harder then those about love. Though I answered they have caused me to think upon and ponder. The questions about love. It is extremely hard for me to feel or show emotions I tend to think of it as a weakness a tool that can be used to manipulate me. So I hide it as you have seen in my answers. Only those very close tome for a log time would know of my feelings or emotions. So that said perhaps my definitions of the word love might help you.

Again we run into communication problems for we all have different meanings and value for words. There is an old Mashmakan song that explains varying degrees of it . I do not believe in so many but I would say that I have three.

The first is easy the love for your children . Yes monsters like me have children. You will be surprised to hear that my children brought up as free spirits with rules.. They were shown different choices they could make and they were encouraged to make decisions early in life. With that preamble said love of a parent is almost unconditional. You want then to succeed and you overlook things that are not perfect about them. You say you give tuff love yet you check to see if your 20 year old made it home and safely sleeps in his bed. You would never tell him this because you are a Dad. And dads do not do those things. Well we do we just do not tell anyone we did, unlike moms and that is totally another blog.

There is soul mate love. That is bordering on the achievement of your fantasy relation. The perfect slave or submissive for a Master or perfect master for a slave. All those lovely excitable feelings all those deep emotions that come out bliss would be a good word for it . Infatuation does not even come close it is far more than that . It is like living on a desert island and not wanting to be rescued. You know when you are rescued it will disappear and reality will again take over. All that remains is the dreams of what could have been .

Then there is an old type of love. The one you learn. It has been around since the first arranged marriage. It is still here in most of our relations of today. It is based on honour and commitment . This loves is like the tide it ebbs and flows. IT comes from being with a person when they are young and wild and old and cantankerous. IT has to do with compromising ones needs. IT is made of giving ones self to others . Doing what we hate just so we get a smile. It comes from watching our wife suffer through child birth . It comes from suffering the demands of bills, taxes and keeping up with the Jones whoever they may be (they do have quite a high standard of living). It comes from the arguing and the making up; of the deepseeded hurt that never goes away. IT is cause by a women looking through a window at her husbands almost lifeless body hoping for a sign of life for 3 days, it comes from her willingness to give up everything to see a finger move. It comes from a women seeing what her husband so bravely hides from others, his weakness, lost of abilities and his pain.

That is learned love something that not all relations attain when they do it is a relationship of freedoms and of deep compassion and yes love. IT is based on caring ,thinking , hard work and sharing deep emotions that can only come out in time. Arguements still occur, hurt still happens and things are not, nor will they be, perfect. Yet there is joy , comfort and a wish to protect her from harm of any kind. Yes I give up many things so that I can stand and protect her from the dragons of life but so does she to have that protection.

I am a lucky man (yes I have always loved that song) as I have experience all three. All are like works of art in there own right. Some just occurred as with children. Some are inspired and need little work as with a soulmate. Some require thought and work are ongoing and will not end. They are drugeries at time and bliss at others . There are horrific battles and great romance. In a movie( The Agony and the ecstasy) about the painting of Cystene Chapel The pope looks up at Michael Angelo, during the painting and asks "when it is will it end? Michael Angelo answers "when it is finished". I am no better or worse then others and all could call their lives Agony and Ecstasy, after 25 five years of marriage does have a ring to it though.

Well ling I hope this helps you to know me a bit more. Which is the best love? Well they all have a place in life. Time is the measure of all things including love.

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