Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Big Brother or is it bother

We have created a society of whinners and blame asessers. Why when I was young did I go play beside a river with out audlt supervision? How did I know that if I was not invited into some ones pool I did ot go? Where are the parents of this generation? Why are they sitting on their asses while their children do not have the sense of what is danger? Do not give me this crap about both having to work because I know of too many single parents who do great jobs with thier children while working to make ends meet so sorry you parents taht are both working that has asses as children you are to blame for the stupidity of your children no one else.

In conversation with a near by principle I found out he is putting forth a suggestion that all cars must come to a full stop when they see a child that might be crossing or thinking of crossing a street. What are we teaching them in school? First I have to put up a fence that I did not want because some child under thier parents supervision might wander off and drown and who's fault would that be? I have to worry that a child does not understand where it is safe to cross or when / I was taught that you make sure the car stops then you cross. Red light Green light did not matter if I put one foot on the street without looking I was yanked back and scolded.

Last year a young women or girl was killed by a speeding driver on a street near by, flowers were placed memorials read and written all very touching. Everyone blamed the driver even though the driver had right of way Did she look, at most at the green light if that. On the very same area I have moving at normal speed had to apply my breaksbecause they step from the curb with thier ear phons in or talking on their cells without a glance to me or the light they just expect me to stop no mattter what.

Now I have a suggestion for the government that any child caught not minding the laws of road have the parent taken down to the station given a good horse whipping and put into jail for a weekend and the child sent to a uunvenile hall with no nintendo, pc, mps or dvds. Then send the whole damm family for training in being a responsible citizens The second offence would be a repeat of the first punishment though I would horse whip the parents on th Frinday and the following monday morning to make sure they retain the pain for a while. I would also dye the whole family to warn us all that they are stupid perhaps a deep purple or maybe stripes. After that a third offence well that is easy lock up the family together in a small room without any form of media for a year.I am sure that if they are forced to communicate with each other for more than five minutes they will kill each other. Correcting the failure of natural selection and soving the many problems of the future of the race.

Rant is over but not forgotten I am tired of being big brother to fools

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