Sunday, January 01, 2006

A day

It is a day nothing more. It has a sunrise and a sunset. It has all the struggles of any other day why is this so different? We have parties because it is a new day so that we may remember the old and plan for the new. A quaint concept but we do that every day we open our eyes to greet the world it is not different it is the same. As for remembering the old I see the old in the mirror I need not a day to remember it too. If we need a reason to party the timing is poor it is in the latter months of winter where we really need to party that is when the gloom gets to most individuals.

SO it must be this thing to start a new this is the designated jump off date to go on diets and stop our vices to wipe the slate clean and to start fresh. Again I do grasp the concept of wiping the slate clean, I have put a lot of years and pain to get the slate that dirty why should I try to wash away those things that are part of me whether I like them or not. They make me what I am. Diets well if you need a date to push you to get healthy then give up now you are not committed you have not made the decision you will fail.

Now the question of the vices. One should do most things in moderation but vices hmmm a vice in moderation just does not seem right. Vices should be explored to their maximum. Vices are what most of us seek few will admit to yet all enjoy them. Just to make the rest of the world feel good we take some time to repent and we are contrite when caught doing what pleases us. So again why do we have such celebration on New Years eve just so we can repent on New years day? I would at this moment and for ironies sake say what my resolution is for this year but I have already kept it from last year and many years before. That is : I like my vices and will continue to do them till I cannot any more . Then when I lay in my bed waiting for the last dawn I will have wonderful memories to bring with me into the light. Happy New Year to all and best of luck with those vices oh I mean resolutions.

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