Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Scaring does bring the best out in me

Halloween has always been a lovely time for me. When I was in the darker beliefs It gave me focus a time of being close to other realms and part of that was the draw of scaring others with my beliefs. I enjoyed the fear that I saw in opposing players eyes when I step on the floor. I felt great after a good fight or hit all warm inside and the opposing fans were so much fun so brave until I came close to them when they were in reach I could see them holding themselves so that they would not pee their pants, so much fun. Most would say well he gets paid to do that , yes I did but I enjoyed it, I enjoyed the pain I inflicted and the pain I received crazy is it not. When my children were born I thought it would stop but it gave me a new source of victims no not the kids those I loved and just want to see laugh and smile. The teachers, some were weak minded bullies that tried to use their station in life as a given it was so much fun making them quiver.

Well last night brought back the joy of scaring. Brave adults jumping and screaming while their children laughed what excuses did they tell their children to prove their bravery once again as they walked away in the darkness. All because of a black cloak a covered face and a staff with a snake head. So was it me or the costume, as for the children they had questions" where are your eyes" and "do you have a face". Some wanted to touch the snake head. Parents well one while walking he child up the stairs kept saying "it is a statue" and "I hate Halloween" when I moved she shrieked so nicely, afterwards when trying to get her son to stop laughing and leave said that she leaves a light on all the time I said to her not to worry about me until there is a power failure. Ah so much fun.

I have long left the idea of this blog being a place to express myself and my feelings when it started to be read by others why because people fear things that are in the shadows, not the norm or it just scares them. Most can only handle small doses and will bring out their bravado and say this one is a strange one or it cannot be. Yet they come back for more fascinating is it not. Those that are like that I would suggest you leave a light on. Those that can laugh and mean it ,welcome.

At this time in my life I can still say that I enjoy scaring them makes me feel young again when I laughed at scary things and at those that quivered behind me. Hmmmm Halloween is only 364 days away I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

It doesn't take a costume to make me want to leave the light on.. especially when You are holding a "toy" (cheeky grin)........

morningstar (owned by Warren)