Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I must be getting old

I think I might have had a post with this title before but I must be getting old so I do not remember if I did or not. I have slept enough this night the reason I am awake at 4:15 in the morning what woke me, thinking about things.

I sat around last night talking with my sons. In discussion I tried to inform them that even as young men sleep is occasionally needed to rest the body and mind in the past I would have told them to go to bed turn out the lights and not to get up before 7 am. Of course they would laugh now if I did they are 19 and 22, rarely see their pillows before 2 am and seldom see the sun until it is almost a memory in the afternoon on weekends. Refusing to believe it is there on week days as they are off for higher learning.

At a time when I thought I would sit and have fond memories of life I am having new experiences. I am doing things that I said I never would. Does age affect us in such a way? Our emotions are a pain in the ass and not a good pain. Next, I will be making floggers out of suede and paddles out of foam rubber. I will dress in a charcoal grey instead of black so as not to offend or scare. I will look at a nice young woman passing in front of me and say a beautiful mind of the future instead of wondering how nice it would be to beat that ass. I will ask subs if after tying them up to a cross if they are comfortable and not mean it sarcastically.

Yes, I must be getting old.

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