Monday, November 07, 2005

Dark days

These are the days for old warriors to sit in large chairs facing the east. Their last stand filled with memories of the lives they have had. To fall in battle in such weather must have been a relief in a way not having to face the pain of victory trying to keep warm and not stave to death. Dragging the battered bodies back to the home land having the wind lash you along no if your time were near better to have lost your life in battle then on the road home freezing to death no place for you in heavens of warriors should you die pushing a cart. To face the winds with good memories, a sword in hand ready to do battle with the storms and laugh in the face of the wind. Memories of how the old warriors died would give strength to the young with warm thought and good song to keep the old warriors warm, dry and immortal. At least for the journey home.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

very poetic Cloud...

morningstar (owned by Warren)