Friday, August 26, 2005

Needles and pins

Today was boring I went off to the hospital for tests and laughed at some of the people taking the blood and performing the tests. They showed genuine concern that they were hurting me. They poked with small needles and electrodes. I have just seen several workshops at camp on how to cause discomfort shall we say and they think they caused some pain. Well that was good for a laugh something did put me on pins and needles today my subs asked me how they are to ask about my health and I felt compelled to give them information that I do not usually share so easily. It was not much but more than usual strange a time of weakness? Not usual for me at all must have been the long day at the hospital both are coming along at their own pace this weekend though I think I should have all their hard limits so we can advance in the training a bit. The next few weeks should be interesting.



morningstar said...

so You had a trip to the hospital? so Your subs were a little worried? so You weren't/aren't sure if You like that worry?? get over it!!! Dom's job to worry about subs.. subs job to worry about Dom... that's the way it works Cloud.. whether You Doms like it or not!!! ask Sir.. He is finally allowing me to show my concern..

It is a circle of continuance and strength.. a circle that becomes with time a link in a chain.....

morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

and how long did it take Sir to allow you to worry littleone?