Sunday, August 14, 2005

Garage sales

Why is it that you have a garage sale and the house seems to be in more of a mess then before? I seem to have collect more merchandise for the next garage sale then gotten rid of. Now I will have to clean up my garage before I get back to work on my projects. Sir and littleone came over during the sale littleone did well selling off her tent and some stuff to me. Sir proved that a lounge chair can be a formidable advisary thought he did win the day over it at time it was an epic struggle. If making money at these things is important I would not have done it but having a good laugh with friends is then I did well yesterday.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

i was kinda dreading the garage sale.. but it was in fact good fun!!! Best part was actually selling my tent ........ we did share some laughs over Sir and that lounge chair didn't we??

and now the major countdown begins.. 2 more sleeps then off to camp.........