Saturday, August 06, 2005

I seem void of thought

I do not know if it is the time of year or the heat but I am void of thought. The days are becoming long and filled with nothing. I am truly wanting for camp to stimulate me in one way or another. The workshops look interesting and the friendship of kindred souls is in need. I feel that in importance it would have to be that I look forward to the end of camp. All my commitments will have been honoured for this year and I will take time to relax and watch life and think for a while. Important for me to do so review the year and see what I have done not to judge good or bad but to see if I have had effect on others. I have always believed that it is important to do so, to change a life a bit. It means that you were here and did not sit back. The only way to live on is in the memories of others is it not?

The one who is young to this life and has sort of asked for help from me will be my only concern after camp. I do like trying new things and a long distant lifestyle could be interesting on how to overcome barriers and give proper training, at the very least we will have fun discussions for we share the same type of vanilla reality and bdsm desires.
As for my old friends I will still be here writing maybe not quite as active in person but probably in thought.

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