ling has asked many questions non harder then those about love. Though I answered they have caused me to think upon and ponder. The questions about love. It is extremely hard for me to feel or show emotions I tend to think of it as a weakness a tool that can be used to manipulate me. So I hide it as you have seen in my answers. Only those very close tome for a log time would know of my feelings or emotions. So that said perhaps my definitions of the word love might help you.
Again we run into communication problems for we all have different meanings and value for words. There is an old Mashmakan song that explains varying degrees of it . I do not believe in so many but I would say that I have three.
The first is easy the love for your children . Yes monsters like me have children. You will be surprised to hear that my children brought up as free spirits with rules.. They were shown different choices they could make and they were encouraged to make decisions early in life. With that preamble said love of a parent is almost unconditional. You want then to succeed and you overlook things that are not perfect about them. You say you give tuff love yet you check to see if your 20 year old made it home and safely sleeps in his bed. You would never tell him this because you are a Dad. And dads do not do those things. Well we do we just do not tell anyone we did, unlike moms and that is totally another blog.
There is soul mate love. That is bordering on the achievement of your fantasy relation. The perfect slave or submissive for a Master or perfect master for a slave. All those lovely excitable feelings all those deep emotions that come out bliss would be a good word for it . Infatuation does not even come close it is far more than that . It is like living on a desert island and not wanting to be rescued. You know when you are rescued it will disappear and reality will again take over. All that remains is the dreams of what could have been .
Then there is an old type of love. The one you learn. It has been around since the first arranged marriage. It is still here in most of our relations of today. It is based on honour and commitment . This loves is like the tide it ebbs and flows. IT comes from being with a person when they are young and wild and old and cantankerous. IT has to do with compromising ones needs. IT is made of giving ones self to others . Doing what we hate just so we get a smile. It comes from watching our wife suffer through child birth . It comes from suffering the demands of bills, taxes and keeping up with the Jones whoever they may be (they do have quite a high standard of living). It comes from the arguing and the making up; of the deepseeded hurt that never goes away. IT is cause by a women looking through a window at her husbands almost lifeless body hoping for a sign of life for 3 days, it comes from her willingness to give up everything to see a finger move. It comes from a women seeing what her husband so bravely hides from others, his weakness, lost of abilities and his pain.
That is learned love something that not all relations attain when they do it is a relationship of freedoms and of deep compassion and yes love. IT is based on caring ,thinking , hard work and sharing deep emotions that can only come out in time. Arguements still occur, hurt still happens and things are not, nor will they be, perfect. Yet there is joy , comfort and a wish to protect her from harm of any kind. Yes I give up many things so that I can stand and protect her from the dragons of life but so does she to have that protection.
I am a lucky man (yes I have always loved that song) as I have experience all three. All are like works of art in there own right. Some just occurred as with children. Some are inspired and need little work as with a soulmate. Some require thought and work are ongoing and will not end. They are drugeries at time and bliss at others . There are horrific battles and great romance. In a movie( The Agony and the ecstasy) about the painting of Cystene Chapel The pope looks up at Michael Angelo, during the painting and asks "when it is will it end? Michael Angelo answers "when it is finished". I am no better or worse then others and all could call their lives Agony and Ecstasy, after 25 five years of marriage does have a ring to it though.
Well ling I hope this helps you to know me a bit more. Which is the best love? Well they all have a place in life. Time is the measure of all things including love.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Big Brother or is it bother
We have created a society of whinners and blame asessers. Why when I was young did I go play beside a river with out audlt supervision? How did I know that if I was not invited into some ones pool I did ot go? Where are the parents of this generation? Why are they sitting on their asses while their children do not have the sense of what is danger? Do not give me this crap about both having to work because I know of too many single parents who do great jobs with thier children while working to make ends meet so sorry you parents taht are both working that has asses as children you are to blame for the stupidity of your children no one else.
In conversation with a near by principle I found out he is putting forth a suggestion that all cars must come to a full stop when they see a child that might be crossing or thinking of crossing a street. What are we teaching them in school? First I have to put up a fence that I did not want because some child under thier parents supervision might wander off and drown and who's fault would that be? I have to worry that a child does not understand where it is safe to cross or when / I was taught that you make sure the car stops then you cross. Red light Green light did not matter if I put one foot on the street without looking I was yanked back and scolded.
Last year a young women or girl was killed by a speeding driver on a street near by, flowers were placed memorials read and written all very touching. Everyone blamed the driver even though the driver had right of way Did she look, at most at the green light if that. On the very same area I have moving at normal speed had to apply my breaksbecause they step from the curb with thier ear phons in or talking on their cells without a glance to me or the light they just expect me to stop no mattter what.
Now I have a suggestion for the government that any child caught not minding the laws of road have the parent taken down to the station given a good horse whipping and put into jail for a weekend and the child sent to a uunvenile hall with no nintendo, pc, mps or dvds. Then send the whole damm family for training in being a responsible citizens The second offence would be a repeat of the first punishment though I would horse whip the parents on th Frinday and the following monday morning to make sure they retain the pain for a while. I would also dye the whole family to warn us all that they are stupid perhaps a deep purple or maybe stripes. After that a third offence well that is easy lock up the family together in a small room without any form of media for a year.I am sure that if they are forced to communicate with each other for more than five minutes they will kill each other. Correcting the failure of natural selection and soving the many problems of the future of the race.
Rant is over but not forgotten I am tired of being big brother to fools
In conversation with a near by principle I found out he is putting forth a suggestion that all cars must come to a full stop when they see a child that might be crossing or thinking of crossing a street. What are we teaching them in school? First I have to put up a fence that I did not want because some child under thier parents supervision might wander off and drown and who's fault would that be? I have to worry that a child does not understand where it is safe to cross or when / I was taught that you make sure the car stops then you cross. Red light Green light did not matter if I put one foot on the street without looking I was yanked back and scolded.
Last year a young women or girl was killed by a speeding driver on a street near by, flowers were placed memorials read and written all very touching. Everyone blamed the driver even though the driver had right of way Did she look, at most at the green light if that. On the very same area I have moving at normal speed had to apply my breaksbecause they step from the curb with thier ear phons in or talking on their cells without a glance to me or the light they just expect me to stop no mattter what.
Now I have a suggestion for the government that any child caught not minding the laws of road have the parent taken down to the station given a good horse whipping and put into jail for a weekend and the child sent to a uunvenile hall with no nintendo, pc, mps or dvds. Then send the whole damm family for training in being a responsible citizens The second offence would be a repeat of the first punishment though I would horse whip the parents on th Frinday and the following monday morning to make sure they retain the pain for a while. I would also dye the whole family to warn us all that they are stupid perhaps a deep purple or maybe stripes. After that a third offence well that is easy lock up the family together in a small room without any form of media for a year.I am sure that if they are forced to communicate with each other for more than five minutes they will kill each other. Correcting the failure of natural selection and soving the many problems of the future of the race.
Rant is over but not forgotten I am tired of being big brother to fools
Well that is over with or is it.
The idea was for ling to find out more aboutme because she needs to be emotionally close to her Master. So I answered all the questions now a real task for my ling . Before we started the questions I told you to write what you know of me. Of course ling whined and complained about it but it was done.
Now my pet you must write what you know of me now what have you learnt from your questions. In the blog you will explain why you might have changed your ideas about me how you feel emotionally and all the diferences you have found in your thoughts on me.
It is Tuesday , I am entering hospital on Thurs morning at 8:30 I would prefer to see your blog by Wed night . Later than that and I do not know how soon I will be able to read it. When your blog is done you are allowed to ask one question. This should be stimulated by the questions you have asked or a burning question that did not fit in but that you deperately need to know. Remember I said ask the question I did not say I will answer it but it will stimulate thought and discussion and then perhaps you will answer it.
Now my pet you must write what you know of me now what have you learnt from your questions. In the blog you will explain why you might have changed your ideas about me how you feel emotionally and all the diferences you have found in your thoughts on me.
It is Tuesday , I am entering hospital on Thurs morning at 8:30 I would prefer to see your blog by Wed night . Later than that and I do not know how soon I will be able to read it. When your blog is done you are allowed to ask one question. This should be stimulated by the questions you have asked or a burning question that did not fit in but that you deperately need to know. Remember I said ask the question I did not say I will answer it but it will stimulate thought and discussion and then perhaps you will answer it.
TEN Finally!!!
Okay this answer didn't make much sense to me.....BUT what i think i got from it was that You can't 'see' love, so it doesn't exist or You don't give it much power in Your life.
I believe that humans try desperately to be in love to express love to do everything for love yet truly they have not ever been in love few have. There are great stories and poems about it. Love is something you experience once in a lifetime if you are lucky but only once and not all will. Most relations are based on contentment or infatuation not love. They all start due to needs of individuals that are fulfill by what others want to give. AN emotional payment you could say. There is an old song that says you cannot pay for love. On to the questions now.
Isn't there many ways people express love in an action?
They express a need or want through action if you wish to put these actions under an umbrella word such as love so be it.
Do You feel You have ever really been in love?
"To say that I am beating someone ass because I love them no it is because I enjoy it." Haven't You ever given a sub something they wanted more than You did?
Yes I have
Why or Why not?
Because U enjoyed the power I had by giving it
Do You feel love hasn't entered Your BDSM life because of vanilla commitments?
No it has entered
What means more from You...Love or Commitment?
What means more to or commitment?
commitment if I must use the word
"Again not love but honor relates to it " Isn't there love in honor?
There does not have to be
i mean to truly honor someone don't you need to love them?
Did You learn anything about Yourself during this challenge?
Not really my dear except you base a lot of things on this word love I hope it is as strong as a word as you feel it to be for you.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
You told me how this came to be but You didn't answer my question. "A cold uncaring individual someone without emotions" How does that make You feel....inside?
My I thought I did it does not affect me what others think of me
"You might well love something else as it fits your needs better." What happens to what You once loved?
That depends on circumstance I do not confuse the word love with commitment
Do You believe it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
I do not think that any experience is bad so experience as much as you can.
Where is Your romance?
In fantasies and books
"You might well love something else as it fits your needs better." Do You truly think love works that way?
I do not beleive that love sworks you have commitment you have sharing and i can see that you have loyalty and I see that but love all I see is are words written about it but nothing that cannot be described in other words that describe actions, usually under the heading of love, much better.
Is it really love if You can just turn it on and off?
I think my answer above covers this question
This is cynicism, "why should I if you know the ending of a book and the story line why would you read it ." Do You think it keeps You from opening Yourself to love?
For fun...."If You could change that judgment what would it be too?" It is a hypothetical and for fun!!!!
Sorry I do not understand the question
How does love relate to Your BDSM world?
AH that word again. Possesion relates to it ownership, pleasure seeking and pleasure giving relates to it I can think of many words that relate to it. To say that I am beating someone ass because I love them no it is because I enjoy it. Just as I enjoy it when I get a compliment on my subs behavior that make me feel good because I have taught them well. So truly it does not related to it at all. Again not love but honour relates to it
My I thought I did it does not affect me what others think of me
"You might well love something else as it fits your needs better." What happens to what You once loved?
That depends on circumstance I do not confuse the word love with commitment
Do You believe it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
I do not think that any experience is bad so experience as much as you can.
Where is Your romance?
In fantasies and books
"You might well love something else as it fits your needs better." Do You truly think love works that way?
I do not beleive that love sworks you have commitment you have sharing and i can see that you have loyalty and I see that but love all I see is are words written about it but nothing that cannot be described in other words that describe actions, usually under the heading of love, much better.
Is it really love if You can just turn it on and off?
I think my answer above covers this question
This is cynicism, "why should I if you know the ending of a book and the story line why would you read it ." Do You think it keeps You from opening Yourself to love?
For fun...."If You could change that judgment what would it be too?" It is a hypothetical and for fun!!!!
Sorry I do not understand the question
How does love relate to Your BDSM world?
AH that word again. Possesion relates to it ownership, pleasure seeking and pleasure giving relates to it I can think of many words that relate to it. To say that I am beating someone ass because I love them no it is because I enjoy it. Just as I enjoy it when I get a compliment on my subs behavior that make me feel good because I have taught them well. So truly it does not related to it at all. Again not love but honour relates to it
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Alarm clocks
Funny how things work now a days. You still have to go through the motion of turning on alarm clocks lets say . Yes! In this day and age the idea of it. Where are our inventors why have they not solved this complicated
problem we can go to the moon but not have an alarm clock that sets itself.
Sounds like a task for a sub does it not? well not for ling nope she forgot making her late not sending the morning email not blogging being an hour behind and late for a lunch with another Master . Hmmmm how good does that make me look. I wonder if I should put in a wake up call so that miss ling will set her alarm every night.
Now what type of wake up call should it be. First ling will insert the intruder. Then blog on the steps she needs to take to set her alarm when this is done she will email an apology to the Master she made wait cc to me of course. Is that it noooo then we will practice setting the alarm ling will set it for five minutes and wait till it rings then she will do it again and again until she grasps the idea that subs are not allowed to make Masters wait. ling will do this for half an hour. Then she can take out the intruder. AH but it is not over. ling will masterbate 5 times a day for five minutes each time for 5 days. When during the day is up to miss ling but of course she will have to use her alarm to make sure it is 5 minutes and NO orgasms.
I am sure this will be a wake up call ling will remember ling this might seem sevre but you represent me when you sit with another Master being late is not acceptable. Make sure the Master you made wait has a copy of this punishment.

Do enjoy the week
PS did yo notice the three number 5 s. Wll yes I am close but not quite a devil am I not.

Sounds like a task for a sub does it not? well not for ling nope she forgot making her late not sending the morning email not blogging being an hour behind and late for a lunch with another Master . Hmmmm how good does that make me look. I wonder if I should put in a wake up call so that miss ling will set her alarm every night.
Now what type of wake up call should it be. First ling will insert the intruder. Then blog on the steps she needs to take to set her alarm when this is done she will email an apology to the Master she made wait cc to me of course. Is that it noooo then we will practice setting the alarm ling will set it for five minutes and wait till it rings then she will do it again and again until she grasps the idea that subs are not allowed to make Masters wait. ling will do this for half an hour. Then she can take out the intruder. AH but it is not over. ling will masterbate 5 times a day for five minutes each time for 5 days. When during the day is up to miss ling but of course she will have to use her alarm to make sure it is 5 minutes and NO orgasms.
I am sure this will be a wake up call ling will remember ling this might seem sevre but you represent me when you sit with another Master being late is not acceptable. Make sure the Master you made wait has a copy of this punishment.

Do enjoy the week
PS did yo notice the three number 5 s. Wll yes I am close but not quite a devil am I not.
Friday, June 16, 2006
You do judge people but You aren't swayed by Your judgements....How is that possible?
Every one judges people everyone is swayed by the actions of others I merely reserve judgement past the initial impression.
"A cold uncaring individual someone without emotions" How does that make You feel....inside?
This judgement as you call it was related to me by a manager that worked for me he said that if I every took over the store he worked in as I came in the front door he would leave by the back. Another said and this is a translation of a Quebecois saying " if he opens his mouth does a light go on" meaning that I did not smile I was like a fridge. As my job was mostly turning companies around I usually had to chop some heads So this allowed me to do my job with out the hassle of emotion.
If You could change that judegement what would it be too?
I would not as it is a useful tool to see reaction of others
"Too much changes over the years to be able to say that one has always loved the other or will." What You once loved You may not love later?
You might well love something else as it fits your needs better.
"Only mothers are capable of not seeing the faults and irks of their children their concept of reality when it comes to their children is often clouded by this emotion." But not a Fathers?
I can speak only for myself but yes it is different Mothers want to hold on as long as possible I tend to want them to be free so that they can have a life there onw life. That cannot be done coddled in mother's arms. They must take their chances like all fledglings must do when they atttempt flight on their own.
Do You think logic and reason should even play a part of love?
Love is not the protecter we all think it is. It does not stop the storms of life nor does it make decisions easier. It clouds judgement so love is part of life so is logic and reason part of life. Love plays a part of reason and logic not the other way.
Do You think Your cynicsm keeps You from enjoying some parts of life?
No honour does.
Are You afraid to open Yourself to real love?
Real what is real love making fairytale decisions or facing the harsh realities of life. I donot open myself as you say why should I if you know the ending of a book and the story line why would you read it .
Every one judges people everyone is swayed by the actions of others I merely reserve judgement past the initial impression.
"A cold uncaring individual someone without emotions" How does that make You feel....inside?
This judgement as you call it was related to me by a manager that worked for me he said that if I every took over the store he worked in as I came in the front door he would leave by the back. Another said and this is a translation of a Quebecois saying " if he opens his mouth does a light go on" meaning that I did not smile I was like a fridge. As my job was mostly turning companies around I usually had to chop some heads So this allowed me to do my job with out the hassle of emotion.
If You could change that judegement what would it be too?
I would not as it is a useful tool to see reaction of others
"Too much changes over the years to be able to say that one has always loved the other or will." What You once loved You may not love later?
You might well love something else as it fits your needs better.
"Only mothers are capable of not seeing the faults and irks of their children their concept of reality when it comes to their children is often clouded by this emotion." But not a Fathers?
I can speak only for myself but yes it is different Mothers want to hold on as long as possible I tend to want them to be free so that they can have a life there onw life. That cannot be done coddled in mother's arms. They must take their chances like all fledglings must do when they atttempt flight on their own.
Do You think logic and reason should even play a part of love?
Love is not the protecter we all think it is. It does not stop the storms of life nor does it make decisions easier. It clouds judgement so love is part of life so is logic and reason part of life. Love plays a part of reason and logic not the other way.
Do You think Your cynicsm keeps You from enjoying some parts of life?
No honour does.
Are You afraid to open Yourself to real love?
Real what is real love making fairytale decisions or facing the harsh realities of life. I donot open myself as you say why should I if you know the ending of a book and the story line why would you read it .
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The 7
Do You really feel You don't judge people?
I do judge people I just take a while to decide on most.
How do You feel about people who judge others?
Too many take their first impression or are swayed by others formulating their opinions based on others whims.
If someone where to judge You at a first meeting what judgments do You think people would place on You?
A cold uncaring individual someone without emotions
"After youth and our riches are gone what else do we have." What about Love?
An emotion best left between mother and child. Too much changes over the years to be able to say that one has always loved the other or will. Only mothers are capable of not seeing the faults and irks of their children their concept of reality when it comes to their children is often clouded by this emotion.
How do You describe the perfect love?
It was once desribed to me as death the end of thought and reason. It is a word needed to express a caring without the cold logic involved. Fulfillment of needs would be the best descrition for it though I think what you look for is flowery description of animal lust and a continuation of the species. So how about this enjoyment of another not directly related to you both mentally and physically.
"just a feeling that it is right to do so" Do You believe in intuition?
Yes I do but it can easily be tainted by circumstance and surronding
How much would You place on an initial feeling or Your intuition?
Depends on the situation and timming. If I must make a decision quickly a lot more then if I can take time to reflect and ponder. At that point I would have to take in surrondings to see what affect or influence they had on me at the time
I do judge people I just take a while to decide on most.
How do You feel about people who judge others?
Too many take their first impression or are swayed by others formulating their opinions based on others whims.
If someone where to judge You at a first meeting what judgments do You think people would place on You?
A cold uncaring individual someone without emotions
"After youth and our riches are gone what else do we have." What about Love?
An emotion best left between mother and child. Too much changes over the years to be able to say that one has always loved the other or will. Only mothers are capable of not seeing the faults and irks of their children their concept of reality when it comes to their children is often clouded by this emotion.
How do You describe the perfect love?
It was once desribed to me as death the end of thought and reason. It is a word needed to express a caring without the cold logic involved. Fulfillment of needs would be the best descrition for it though I think what you look for is flowery description of animal lust and a continuation of the species. So how about this enjoyment of another not directly related to you both mentally and physically.
"just a feeling that it is right to do so" Do You believe in intuition?
Yes I do but it can easily be tainted by circumstance and surronding
How much would You place on an initial feeling or Your intuition?
Depends on the situation and timming. If I must make a decision quickly a lot more then if I can take time to reflect and ponder. At that point I would have to take in surrondings to see what affect or influence they had on me at the time
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Perhaps I am late
Sir a Dom friend of mine suggested that ling's lack of blogging was a punishment offence. I don't think so as she has just returned from vacation. How ever ling does need to get back into submissive mode again so a task I think would be good.
I will say that I have no pictures yet of her positions hmmmm well a nasty task then. Since the vacation went so well time to contemplate things again so lets re-introduce the intruder for meditation purposes only. SO insert the intruder then think of why you should get the web cam going and how you can get those pictures and when. Wait make sure you have the right answers for these questions ling so keep the intruder in for half an hour. Then you can blog your answers to the task above. Once the blogging is over then you may remove you friend the intruder.
Now I know it has been a while but do remember that the intruder goes in your ass ling no where else. Just to keep you focused ling no orgasm until the questions have been asked and the tasks above done.
enjoy the day
I will say that I have no pictures yet of her positions hmmmm well a nasty task then. Since the vacation went so well time to contemplate things again so lets re-introduce the intruder for meditation purposes only. SO insert the intruder then think of why you should get the web cam going and how you can get those pictures and when. Wait make sure you have the right answers for these questions ling so keep the intruder in for half an hour. Then you can blog your answers to the task above. Once the blogging is over then you may remove you friend the intruder.
Now I know it has been a while but do remember that the intruder goes in your ass ling no where else. Just to keep you focused ling no orgasm until the questions have been asked and the tasks above done.
enjoy the day
Friday, June 02, 2006
great laugh at someone expense
I was talking with a switch friend of mine . Right now the person is in Dominant side with a newbie sub. Newbie to the point where all is new to her. The sub saw a movie a few years agao about a Domme and her female sub and expects the hollywood version of a lifestyle relationship. She is demanding a lot of lets say time from my switch friend. My friend just wants to Dom her not be her best friend not get emotional involved with her.
Hmmm that sounds familar. I have had a few subs like that recently and I spoke to a Domme friend of mine and she said men are from mars and women from venus. All women want emotion . Well I have given this a great deal of thought and I do not totally agree with the men from Mars and women from Venus stuff. After hearing from my switch friend and having Dommed her I think that Dominants are from Mars subs are from Venus and switches well since we are pratical perfect in every way must be the only humans in the lifestyle but we commute a lot that could be why we get cranky at newbies sometimes!
Here is smiling at you Switch.
Hmmm that sounds familar. I have had a few subs like that recently and I spoke to a Domme friend of mine and she said men are from mars and women from venus. All women want emotion . Well I have given this a great deal of thought and I do not totally agree with the men from Mars and women from Venus stuff. After hearing from my switch friend and having Dommed her I think that Dominants are from Mars subs are from Venus and switches well since we are pratical perfect in every way must be the only humans in the lifestyle but we commute a lot that could be why we get cranky at newbies sometimes!
Here is smiling at you Switch.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The six
Do You give trust upfront or is it something that is earned?
ANs: I mostly give it upfront I do not like to judge someone be fore I know them. There is an initial period when I make up my mind if I wish to know this person at all but mostly up front.
What if someone lies to You to protect You?
Ans: No such thing the only thing that can protect me is honesty so I can make my own decisions I accept no lies for what reason
Why do You place So much on honor?
After youth and our riches are gone what else do we have. I think that if honour was given the same status as our wants we would not have the hopeless dispair that causes wars, starvation and sickness.
Where do You draw the line on second chances?
That is a feeling I cannot tell you a limit or hard if statement just a feeling that it is right to do so
Your answer on luck surprises me. How much do You think luck plays a role in Your life?
Luck or the word I prefer is chance plays a large role sometime and totally depends on the circumstance , time and place so this question I cannot answer with a percentage or frequency merely that it does and totally depends on the butterflies wings.
"both have value the must be used at the right time." When would be the right time for Your eyes?
Ans: when confronted by a tiger at a hundred yards I would back away facing the danger until I knew I could reach safety then I would run for it. Otherwise I would look for weapons and prepare for the onslaufght keeping my eyes on the tiger . I would then stalk and plan my attack waiting for the best time for me . After all the Tiger might not want to face his fears that day.
There you go ling six down I hope you are learning more about me
ANs: I mostly give it upfront I do not like to judge someone be fore I know them. There is an initial period when I make up my mind if I wish to know this person at all but mostly up front.
What if someone lies to You to protect You?
Ans: No such thing the only thing that can protect me is honesty so I can make my own decisions I accept no lies for what reason
Why do You place So much on honor?
After youth and our riches are gone what else do we have. I think that if honour was given the same status as our wants we would not have the hopeless dispair that causes wars, starvation and sickness.
Where do You draw the line on second chances?
That is a feeling I cannot tell you a limit or hard if statement just a feeling that it is right to do so
Your answer on luck surprises me. How much do You think luck plays a role in Your life?
Luck or the word I prefer is chance plays a large role sometime and totally depends on the circumstance , time and place so this question I cannot answer with a percentage or frequency merely that it does and totally depends on the butterflies wings.
"both have value the must be used at the right time." When would be the right time for Your eyes?
Ans: when confronted by a tiger at a hundred yards I would back away facing the danger until I knew I could reach safety then I would run for it. Otherwise I would look for weapons and prepare for the onslaufght keeping my eyes on the tiger . I would then stalk and plan my attack waiting for the best time for me . After all the Tiger might not want to face his fears that day.
There you go ling six down I hope you are learning more about me
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