Monday, December 12, 2005

Too open or not

When I first started to Dom it was a few years ago. In a private club as you entered you were presented the little subbies, that wished to be used as toys. Others would be in serving out fits but the ones for play would be kneeling naked and in silence awaiting selection. Each had a small ribbon attached to the clubs collar. The colour signified how extreme they were willing to go. You as a Dom had a list of what the colours meant and away you went. There were no questions, none were needed. No question on safety or limits the colour defined what the sub was willing to do. The Dom/mes were verified by the members. The one that introduced you and the owners so that club play could be intense and safe. If some one saw and inexperience Dom with a newbie sub someone would make sure the new Dom was informed to go easy. Playing was simple and fun and intense.

Now since we are a little more out of our closet we have check lists , endless conversations on safety and finding out limits. I think we spend more time talking and emailing and discussing then we do playing. Perhaps somethings should have stayed in the closet. Now of course the quantity of individuals that say they are interested or are in the lifestyle have increased but has the quality remained.

Why am I writing about this I just wonder if this was 30 years ago how many individuals that are on all the bdsm personals would have attended the Clubs and sat in naked anticipation waiting to be chosen by a Dom/me with out the knowledge nor the choice of who it would be.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

good question Cloud.. and i wonder if i would have been able.. would the need in me have been strong enough.. to kneel naked and wait......

morningstar (owned by Warren)