Monday, July 04, 2005

Sadness and worry

Over the weekend I attended two parties both were great both had different aspects of the lifestyle and similar ones. Why sadness the two solitudes were one long ago first I went to the Montreal munches there was great friendship between the two parties now there is a great divide. I do not know what caused the split or if it was just one thing like so many wars that happen on this earth the combatants probably can not give the single thing that set it off. Yet I feel that I betray one group if I go to the other. Sad to think that I will be spending my remaining time making sure that I divide up equally what I do or where I post . Not to please them but myself I miss the company of both and I will no try to be the one to bring them together. Their decision has been made and I leave that to them but I willnot deprive myself of the friendships that I have made with both. Enough said to that subject for posterity.

Why worry really I don't but others seem to about me. I still struggle with allowing anyone totally inside of me and my thoughts this blog is an attempt for me to put thoughts down that some day I will have the strength to share with those that are close to me. Yet I truly I do not believe it will happen in these words at least I have the release that they might be discovered. Simple things I even do not disclose such as a friend does not understand why I leave a light on all the time outside. Where my father comes from Alsacs and Lorrainne in the forests it is very dark so dark that you cannot see what is underfoot. His family would leave a candle burning so that the men would find there way back to the house. The candle would not be put out until the last was back. Well the stories in my family all relates to that light of occurrences that happen when the light has been put out by some one in the family. The two major ones were that if a the light was put out if a child was not in the house they would be loss and not find their way back. The other that my dead relatives would not be able to see and protect that household. Le Maison Noir de Lorrainne rumored to be where we hail from has all sorts of stories to support these legends shall we say do I believe I do not know have I had reason to, yes.

I have always considered knowledge to be a weapon it is why I collect and share little with others to protect those that are close to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad used to tell me a similar story about leaving a light on so family would always be able to find their way home. Ever since I can remember I have left that light on :)