Friday, July 22, 2005

Refreshing some one who thinks

I hold on to my ideals because I believe in codes of conduct and honour I have a strong passion for medieval time, for the samurai codes for etiquette and for politeness. Much like a chocolate cake with chocolate from the Holland the taste cannot be duplicated in a May west, so I am willing to wait for my cake and live on the memories of it's taste will carry me through.

"This doesn't leave much, if any, room for adding bits of yourself"

. As for adding bits of me I do all the time in how I service the lifestyle by fulfilling the needs of my subs or slaves and how I give duty to those that rank above me an artist that duplicates a great work the artist doing the duplication will only be as famous as his duplication is close to the original. The lifestyle is a simple yet beautiful work in my opinion. Changing the lifestyle would for me be like the cutting of Bonsia trees. It takes great study before the snip a bad cut and it will be with you for years to come.

One of the reasons I responded to you amy, is that you were polite in your comment quietly wishing for further explanation yet not asking, rather than a confrontation of my ideas or demanding knowledge through a formal question. So I am very happy to respond to you any time. For a novice you do not fall all over your feet when writing down your thoughts. I wonder if you have started your journey with some one or is this just part of your character, questions for you, not really, just thoughts about those that stand in the shadows.

Take in all that you can it is a wonderful journey, again, thank you for reading my thoughts



Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying reading your thoughts. It is a new position, a new view and I am finding myself pulled in.

"The lifestyle is a simple yet beautiful work in my opinion. "

I couldn't agree more!

I am enjoying this exchange and hope I may continue to be welcome in your realm.

Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

" I wonder if you have started your journey with some one or is this just part of your character, questions for you, not really, just thoughts about those that stand in the shadows."

I wouldn't mind sharing more about myself with you, but I am too shy to post personal information in your blog. I hope you can understand.

Take care