Sunday, July 10, 2005

Of metal and wood

Sword are part of what I am. For r years I have read about them worked with them and admires those the have the ability not to use them Training experience and control are needed before you can say that you have mastered. A weapon. One of my failing points is that when I a have master one style of the weapon I feel that it is now mine and with out practice I still can bring the level of swordmenship back again with a couple of strokes. I have a;ways done that when I would work with wood it is the same way. Wood gives you splinters now and then to remind you but steel waits for you, it allows little mistakes that should smarten you up but rarely did in the past One of my teachers from many years ago said of wood:
" wood has life and it also values it so it warns you, the blade of a sword had no life except what it is, a seeker of death, it's purpose is to feel blood and to bring life to the cold existence of the sword respect it more than wood for it respect only what the one who wields it respects" I have re-learnt the respect that I should have always had for the sword a few days ago. Hopefully I will retain it this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your journal and I am really enjoying it. Thank you for having the courage to share.

I made a few comments here and there:)