Saturday, December 09, 2006

Tired of Christmas shopping

Come on down to the munch in Montreal. A get away form the frenzy of shopping. We get to talk about tying up subs instead of packages. Our version fo the 12 days of Christmas is different you could say. Most definitely you will find some who want to be tied to a sleigh and others that wish to drive one. As far as dressing up well we can give you several suggestions of how to make naked more Christmassy.

We put bells on toes and other places as well, oh lights yes garland and tinsel so if it is Christmas ideas for gifts or parties come down to the munch and meet others of similar nature talk a lot and eat a bit and make some new friends. Just follow the link and leave a comment to show your interest. Munch group.


Sir said...

Cloud... thanks for the good words about the munch, butt I couldn't see the link you talked about so here is it:

BTW last year's munch had 40+ people attend....

Owner of morningstar

morningstar said...


i think i know where You meant the link to be.. "Munch Group" however it doesn't work.......

but i echo Sir's words.. thanks for the plug

morningstar (owned by Warren)