Saturday, September 29, 2007


I have returned from a Mennonite area a people of simple means and wants. They do something I have not been able to do since I was fifteen. Have trust in faith. Accept a deity or follow instructions blindly because of a god. I am some what jealous of those that can that can though away responsibility for them selves and what they do because of what a god, never seen, said to do. It must be nice just to follow rules and not think nor worry how you affect others just as long as you please the god of your choice.Too many have used the excuse I was told to for me to accept this dangerous lack of individual responsibility.

Years ago the young lady that named me CLoud was of native American stock and she gave me a strong sense of individuality and the understanding of cause and effect. A form of the butterfly syndrome. All things affect all other things. This is to say that I sit here after a few years of not feeling on top of the game anymore with health issues listening to music rather than preaching.

Though listening to the healing music of drum and pipe of Native Americans is not curing my aches and ailments it makes my spirit feel better. Is that not what religion should do? Not cause dislike for others and invite to war. So for a little while I have peace until I forget how easy it is to lift one's spirits.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hello, you have a wonderful blog, but I can't find your email address, can you please contact me at I have something to discuss with you
Regards, Chris
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