Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Those that submit to bullies could they be

I have often been on the other side of the argument about bulling. I believe it is not up to every one else to stop the bulling it is up to the one bullied. but that will be for another blog I think.

I will relate a story about child hood. I had a friend a very nice guy but he just was shy and best described as wanting to fit in. He was bullied constantly. Even by his best friend , me or was he just a submissive in the making. My form of bulling with him was not a violent form as others more mental. We started by playing poker then it progressed to strip poker. Then of course when your naked and want your clothes back well you will do almost anything at fourteen. At fourteen you also have a very inquisitive mind evil for short that is.

Bob got to sit on tacks, dress in his mother's underwear and was urinated on. His organ was extremely large it was different from the norm so I teased him about it. My first time of penis bondage was with him as I tied it to his ankles and made him waddle around. The best was when I told Roots a friend that was a girl about Bob. After that his bulling took on a new avenue. He was stripped in lane ways, shown off to Root's girlfriends and yes we spanked him an awful lot. Yes I also loss at these games but I would struggle against the bonds or try to get out of what ever I had to do he did not.It came to a point where we dispensed with the poker and just would tell him to do things. He would be reluctant to do so but against two of us he did not last long and ended up naked now having to pay a higher price than before.

He could have not come to play with us he could have said no but never di no matter what was asked of him. Some will say this is not bulling it was a way of exploring sexuality or he desperately wished to belong some where . Well to me sitting here years afterwards I am pondering a few questions does not a sub wish to belong to some one are they not exploring dark sexuality? Are Doms just bullies?

Well I have always had the conviction that there are those that lead and those that follow. Neither are perfect but we use the tools we have to do what we feel is right for us. That said my last question that I am pondering is are not all leaders bullies? Whether you are a team captain, a leader in business , or Prime Minister. They use what ever tools they have that work for them to push us to their thinking.

So I have not made up my mind as to whether bulling is just leaders learning what tools to use or maybe a bully wishes to be a dictator and a team captain an elected minister, I do not know but I did enjoy putting Bobby through hell for my enjoyment.
Was I Domming or bulling or was he just submitting. Oops did I slip another questions in littleone


morningstar said...


i was thinking just that Cloud.. that you say "one question" and land up asking a whole mess more........

You do realize that the "professional" side of me was upset by this post.. and the submissive side cocked her head to one side and went "ummmmmmmmm" don't you??

Something to contemplate......

morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

If I make one person contemplate something I have said in life then I can leave this earth knowing I have caused that person to live a little more than they would have with out me.

I am pondering the ideas that I have put fort also as always discussion and exchange of ideas is what is what I am looking for.

Unknown said...

I'm only wondering about the mental state of that other person in adult life...
And I am sure that bullying have nothing to do with Mastering... and even less with leading...
All that bulliers ever did to me is making me look at them with comptent, always, and with anger, sometimes...