Sunday, November 26, 2006

It is not suppose to hurt

After a very long hiatus I had a play session with an old friend. Yes I had given littleone a few swats but that is not quite the same as a whole session, which lasted about 8 hours off and on.
Byt the fourth hour I noticed my shoulder was very stiff hmmm well I had made a few new toys and I thought I am just not used to them. So I ordered a nice hot bath and relaxed for a while then afterwards a nap till supper was ready.

After supper I decided to get her dressed for the evening of entertainment some new friends of ours were coming over. So I thought chains a nice start. Do you know how much chains weight with a sore shoulder and back now? Fighting with the chains to secure them I decided to paint on my favorite canvas a slaves ass. Do you know how much your hands shake after straining your arms. Not my best work .

I made a rope harness almost tied my self to the slave, then I demonstrated the punishment stick to the newbies ouch, that hurt me as no sub was involved. The whip I had made, well the first time was great a nice sound in the air but then the newbie sub asked to see it again. And then my slave want desperately to feel the touch of it. Then my arm fell off.

Today my feet hurt, my ankles are swollen, and the back is not yet straight. My arms hurt, my wrists crack and my neck just does not want to turn. I had cereal this morning as it did not require me to crack an egg or any other violent motion like buttering toast.

I will from now on put warning labels on all the toys I make "WARNING EXCESSIVE USE MAY CAUSE INJURY TO THE DOM".

As for me well I have fallen out of Dom shape and must whip my self back into it. You know what tht means? A certain slave's ass is going to be red and hurting for next little while I work on her to regain my shape.

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