Sunday, May 01, 2005

of swords and maces

Medievil fairs and children crying, trolls and witches a quite enjoyable day I might say. Too bad not more of the group showed up. I have always enjoyed the time period and style of life in my opinion very close to my concept of the Bdsm lifestyle I find my self sort of in. I guess a major difference that I see is that the Bdsm lifestyle is consensual I doubt if the peasants of medievil times had the same freedoms that we do now, even though some of us do give them up. This of course is done willingly I wonder if I would be as enthusiastic if it was forced upon me, no I like to choose so it is nice to fantasize about it but when cold steel hacks off a limb I do not tink they experienced the same sub space as we do after a play session.

Consensual a word I have great respect for and I have great respect for those vanilla people who say yes to forays by their love ones into this arena of enjoyment. I also understand the internal conflick that is inside of them as they clench their fist at the mention of it.

I have a vanilla wife who truly does not like or want the lifestyle but accepts my interest in it as well as my interest in the medevil but knows that she cannot part-take in the non vanilla events. She would prefer if she never heard of it or had to deal with it. An episode in desperate houswifes changed her acceptance of it, but not her like or desire of it, she sees that the need inme is great. She also sees how true the friendship is from the people I call friends. She has tried to befriend some of my friends and went with the goup to the fair today. Not today but sometimes , in their attempt to awaken the desire in her,they try to expose her to the lifestyle which she has no interest. I saw today how much the violence of the fair affected her and know that she has a very great inner strength that showed through today I can imagine how much my choices must tax her on a day to day bases. I learnt today that there is a great difference between acceptance and consent, just because we are accepted does not mean that everyone who accepts us, wants to be part of the experience no matter how much we want them to be. We should all be so tolerant of other peoples choices, especially the choice if ignorance, lack of knowledge is blissful at times.

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