Saturday, June 02, 2007

The ultimate torture

Family gathering or should I say tolerating in laws. First they are in law as you would not really have anything to do with them otherwise. Supposedly intelligent people they rehash the same child hood happenings with the excitement of tell of a brand new tale of epic proportions. Reliving the past is not a highlight for me once it is done yes you can revisit now and the but do not make it the bases for every conversation and telephone call. do you really think that it is of any interest to anyone but those who were there. God boring, read please get some interests that does not revolve about things that occurred what was of little importance back years ago think of the future and stop living in veils of the past. My medical conditions will not be the death of me it will be in laws boring conversation and laugh track which they must carry with them hidden in every one's pockets so they do not laugh out of time with their siblings.

It will never end but this rant will after this offer any one into physiological torture of subbies let me know I will take them with me to the next family gathering for no one does it better than my in laws.

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