Tuesday, January 30, 2007

relationships , choices and decisions

I had thought for a while to stop web sites and blogging, answering questions and starting discussions. why well minion and I tried a second time and all did not go well.we both have vanilla lives dependent upon us being there . We had children and developed relations before we met. Our vanilla lives have reduce our lifestyle into nothing as we realized we could not give the other the time or complete the needs of each.

Not because of incomparability no it was due to the vanilla commitments and some inner demons that we both share. Had this been 30 years ago I would say that minion and I would be growing old together right now be running boot camps for submissives enjoying the D/s relations we had established. This was just not meant to be or not yet any way . This was a relations not failed just that would not happen in the way we wanted, so it was better not to taste something we cannot enjoy to the level we wanted.

I would highly recommend that if you are in the lifestyle marry the lifestyle not vanilla the more vanilla in your life the greater chance of your enjoyment of the lifestyle being torn apart by the need s of the vanilla in your life. It would have been so much easier to be in the lifestyle coping with the demands of the vanilla world then living with the bonds of the vanilla world watching your dreams and desires leave you behind

I have no intentions of leaving the lifestyle nor the vanilla relations. I would like to find a slave with the perfect needs that fit mine and will continue to look for her I would say this to all that struggle now and in the future for me the good times I had in both worlds was and is worth it , just can be a bit draining have your cake and eating it too.

1 comment:

Master Michael - lucy & melody said...

i am sorry things are rocky within the lifestyle. i am VERY happy that You are not leaving us!!!!

my thoughts are with You!