Monday, July 28, 2008

Is nothing sacred

Games have always had a pervert side to them. Strip poke , slave, strip chess for those that try to be intellectual about it. Checker and of course, strip and nude Twister.CCS (chase catch and strip) a version of capture the flag. I can go on but i think you understand how easy it is to pervert a game for the lifestyle.

A game that seemed to be impervious to the perverting process was Labyrinth. a game I could take great delight in playing with out being transported back into the mindset of the lifestyle. In California over this weekend I was informed by friends that they did play a game of Labyrinth of the dungeon . The same cards were used the slaves were set to play against each other and the Dominants waited to see who won and who lost. Points were given to each card you found your way too if you won the number of points was the number of strokes given to the losers. If you collected cards but did not win those points were also given on top of the winners. Then anything that could be used for penetration well same rule thought they did not use the sword other implements were used in it's place. Hot wax in lieu of flame that sort of thing. I will not go through all the different tortures for each card lets us just say that they were novel, painful and humiliating so all had great fun.

SO sadly now the next game Labyrinth I play will now conjure up a picture of a slave having a candle stick up their ass while having their sexual apparatus masturbated with chain mail from the helmet . I would suggest that if you are a slave playing this game best try to win. I would hate to think what could be done with that jeweled crown.

1 comment:

morningstar said...

i have never heard of this game Labyrinth (vanilla style or BDSM style) you will have to teach Sir and i the rules.. it sounds like fun

morningstar (owned by Warren)