Saturday, March 24, 2007

Emotions from Mars

Early morning and the sun fights to conquer the night sky. That is what a man would write about a sunrise is it not, my definition anyway. I have always been told that I am distant or cold by women . I do not show emotions well at least to the level that some women need to see in men. Why must we show that to women. I have never heard a women say the reason I went out with him is because he cries well. I do not see gaggles of women on the streets corners looking for weeping men. If they did look with out the veils of Venus in front of them perhaps they would see the emotions of those from Mars

First I do believe in men from Mars and women from Venus, emotions is one of the primary differences to me. To the horror of the women in my house I watched Rocky Balboa last night . Before they fell asleep or left the room, I had to listen to their smirks on the dialog and the writing of the movie I was very happy when the last filed out of the room to watch Pride and prejudice a movie I also enjoy but not for the same reasons as they .

Rocky, I identified with, a man who had great success and great failure in his life. Perhaps if those women who ridicule movies of this nature looked deeper into character they might discover a lot more about the emotion of men. We have great emotions they sometimes are a burden that we not so freely pass on or express well. Perhaps if the women who have trouble understanding their men's emotions they should study this film intensely and not say oh this is stupid but ask why these words are said in this context. If they do they should remember not to look at the man next to them and say but this is not real life. In Pride and Prejudice Mr Darcy so eloquently speaks words that hide his feeling and conceal the good he has done. The words because of their eloquence are gobbled up by those wishing to have gentleman. They do not realize nor delved into the times being portrayed. A man in those times did not speak poorly of the monsters in life he gave them a common courtesy it was expected. Yet his emotions were strong and misunderstood at the beginning.

My advice to those from Venus, understand that the planet name is from the God of War and that is what we do, we fight , we fight in our words , our actions and our thoughts. Our emotions are not those of Venus we do not describe a flowers beauty in our poems more we describe it's fight to be beautiful. If you cannot understand it then accept it don't change it politely leave the room as we do when you want to hug a pillow and run through a box of tissues watching a romantic tragedy.

As for those males that have found their female side I have only one explanation in youth they took the wrong shuttle back from earth.

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